Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Making steamed rice

This is a practical rice dish that has a good taste. Here is how to make steamed rice.

Fluffier rice that has been washed 300 g
Boneless chicken thigh meat that has been cut - cut as much as 150 g
Ginger in thin slices 150 g
Black sesame oil 150 ml
Rice wine 100ml

How to make 
Heat claypot rice and enter, then add 400 ml of water. claypot lid and cook until the rice boil until cooked, can use a rice cooker. Heat the sesame oil and stir-fry black Jehe to dry. Then enter the chicken pieces and stir until the color changed. Put ricewine and cook until dry. Season to taste salt pepper and stir until blended. Put the chicken on top clypot containing rice. Cook for a few minutes and ready to serve.

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