Senin, 17 November 2014

Minced chicken sauce desert

This cuisine is a typical dish which has a typical desert with very thick spice and aroma out of chicken mixed with spices typical of the desert.
It seems very complicated but in reality it is not difficult. Let's try to cook

. Prepare 10 pieces of chicken breasts chopped
. 4 cloves of garlic
. 1 onion
. 5 sdm chilli sauce and tomato
. 1 sdm curry sand
. 1 sdm oyster sauce
. salt to taste
. 1 sdm flour maezena already diluted with a little water

How to make
. First preparation chopped chicken earlier
. Let stand for a while and then take two cloves of garlic and geprek
. Then boiled chicken with chopped onion and a pinch of salt until the color changed to pale that it       has begun to mark chicken cooked, remove and drain
. Then fry the chicken in oil use is ripe
. Add tomato sauce and chili sauce
. Add a little salt and micin
. Put flour maezena already diluted with a little water and mix well
. if it starts to thicken the sign was already mature
. then lift and serve into mangko or plate.

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